After a long time I am writing a personal blog. That is for a really important reason. On 24 th our college participated in what I think was the most ill prepared quiz I have ever been to. Naturally I had near no hope of winning the quiz. But it seems that Santa had my gift planned because through the night I prayed to God to help. We won the third prize. I was so happy that day. It was the first inter-college competition where I have represented the college. Next year we have all the things prepared and will try our best to win not just the district finals but also the state championship too. And on the Christmas Eve also there were all calling giving congratulations and wishing Merry Christmas. There were so many lighted and decorated houses no one can say that we live in non Christian majority area. That is what called INDIA where all religions are same. I am so happy. But I want to pray to God please give them the same kind of Happiness as you have me this. To all those who may not have the money or resources to celebrate the Christmas. To all those who are guarding our loftiest of the Mountain peak in this freezing cold. This is my wish for the next hope Santa is listening.
Bye and Merry Christamas
Bye and Merry Christamas