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Showing posts from 2020

UnIndianing India

Today our Republic turns 70years. In these year we have raised ourselves from ashes of partition and hate, braved conflicts internal and external. Yet we have carried on as a republic for so long, because we stayed true to the ideals of our founding fathers. The ideas that shaped our struggle against a colonist, against the communalists. But very often did our republic find itself at the verge and it seemed the dreams that freedom fighters saw for our free nation might be too much. Last few months if not years have been like that as well. When we seem to be turning our backs to the principles that defined our country. Principles of unity in diversity. Where so many people from so many different part regions, religions speak so many languages, can live and thrive together. Where different ideas from anywhere is not frowned upon. Where one does not have to fear to speak his/her minds out. Where people from different places and religions were welcomed not just as guests but as God...