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UnIndianing India

Today our Republic turns 70years. In these year we have raised ourselves from ashes of partition and hate, braved conflicts internal and external. Yet we have carried on as a republic for so long, because we stayed true to the ideals of our founding fathers. The ideas that shaped our struggle against a colonist, against the communalists.

But very often did our republic find itself at the verge and it seemed the dreams that freedom fighters saw for our free nation might be too much. Last few months if not years have been like that as well. When we seem to be turning our backs to the principles that defined our country. Principles of unity in diversity. Where so many people from so many different part regions, religions speak so many languages, can live and thrive together. Where different ideas from anywhere is not frowned upon. Where one does not have to fear to speak his/her minds out. Where people from different places and religions were welcomed not just as guests but as Gods.

These are not glorification of our country but part of the long history that this great nation and civilisation has witnessed over the millenniums. We are the keepers of this legacy. Our history and story has been inspiration for many around the world. Who could dream when even a flicker of dream was too much. Many a times in the life of this country many have tried to change this. But this land has seen many tyrants in past and will brave this one too, evolving ever stronger with each day.

This independence day for the first time in my life of 28years in this country. I questioned myself is this the kind of nation we fought to build? Is this the nation for whom I have tried to work so hard from the time I can remember? Is this the nation whom I loved more than anything in this world? Is this the nation that I am so proud about? But how can it be that, which tramples upon others freedom in its march to higher heights. For the first time I was not proud, I was not happy. And I hated myself, for its very difficult to not love something you have loved for so long. This was unIndian our beloved India.

As I sat today I was overwhelmed with emotions thinking about the ideas that our founding fathers imbibed in our Constitution that came into being some 70 years from now. Some of the ideas seemed far fetched and too far into the future then, many of them seem the same even today. We are yet to fully understand and appreciate their work and their genius. But I am happy, overwhelmed but happy and perhaps proud again. For the people have spoken and they and speaking everyday. Out on the streets of metropolises to small towns. The young, the student, who have shown once more what it means to be a citizen of this republic.

Let it be told to the future generations, when the republic was at the greatest danger. It was the young, who braved the cold and came out. It was the women who stood on roads and streets, to fight the cold in our hearts and minds with their warmth. They have reclaimed what it means to be an Indian. They have shown us the price of freedom. We are made to believe we have got freedom easily without paying adequate price. This can’t be further from the truth. Not only then but we are paying the price to keeping our freedom alive even today.

We are seeing pictures on our TV screens and Newspapers which are reminiscent of the colonial days. Of the days of August Kranti, when govt brutally crushed the freedom fighters. We are seeing young people fighting the tyranny with songs, poems and paintings. I am so proud that I have a friend who took a police lathi and then went on to write poems. Things we had only read in books till now. We are seeing so many Kazi Nazrul Islam's today. Who wrote those who have departed for heavens know that motherland is dearer than heavens. He also said the young must break these chains of tyranny that is keeping our motherland enchained. May Ma Bharati bless the new generation of Indians.

Many today say this is fight for just a religious community. And this is just about a single law. But this fight is for a more a much larger cause. It is about what we think of India. It is what we think India should be. Should it be a country for all or should it be country for a selected few. Is that what our freedom fighters fought for and our founding fathers dreamt of when they wrote the constitution. It is for us to answer that today. They brought the best from around the world in our constitution. But it is only as good as we make it to be.

I used to think for so long that our generation has grown up without caring much for the nation and its ideals. Today I am so happy that I have been proved wrong. Our generation might wear jeans and t-shirt some might even afford to eat in international food-chains and hangout in glitzy malls but as one Bollywood song said, “phir bhi dil hain Hindustani”. And as long as we stay true to that this republic will continue come what may. 

I hope the dreams that our forefather saw for us, summed up in these lines by KaviGuru come true.
"চিত্ত যেথা ভয়শূন্য, উচ্চ যেথা শির,
জ্ঞান যেথা মুক্ত, যেথা গৃহের প্রাচীর...েরে সেই স্বর্গে করো জাগরিত৷"
"Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;...
...Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake."

May we wake in that heaven soon. Jagao Mera Desh

Happy Republic Day

Vande Mataram

P.S. Here is a beautiful rendition of the poem by AR Rahman


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