Food it is the most important commodity in our life even today when we are living in 21st century. 16 Oct that’s today is the World Food day. Ironically this year world faced one of the worst global food crises. World food reserve went down to there lowest point in 25 years. Food prices soared. This triggered inflation in several countries from Egypt to China. Even riots in Mexico and many West African governments fell when they became unable to give foods to there people. UN even predicted that this could result in rise of terrorism and crime. But still we made through it at least sitting here in India, I feel that. But still when papa says that food prices in the market are touching the sky. I feel there are still a lot of people who are out there not getting the proper amount of food they should get.
Different people from different parts of the world cited different reason for this crisis. Some said it is the over consumption of developed world and under consumption of developing world. Some said it is the caused by massive rise in bio-fuel production. But it all of us who are responsible for this. We are just trying to hide our own deeds which have resulted in this crisis. We are the one who waste food and many other most essential commodities, where as on the other part of the world some one is dying due to lack of it. We are the one who are using biofuels and saying it can save our planet. There have been droughts, floods and storms on one of the most fertile lands of the world. But who are causing this to happen. It is we, not our needs but our mean greed. Our mother earth is still giving us chances and warning us about the fore coming disaster. If we take them seriously then only our civilization will survive on this planet. Else we will have same fate as the dinosorous had.
Different people from different parts of the world cited different reason for this crisis. Some said it is the over consumption of developed world and under consumption of developing world. Some said it is the caused by massive rise in bio-fuel production. But it all of us who are responsible for this. We are just trying to hide our own deeds which have resulted in this crisis. We are the one who waste food and many other most essential commodities, where as on the other part of the world some one is dying due to lack of it. We are the one who are using biofuels and saying it can save our planet. There have been droughts, floods and storms on one of the most fertile lands of the world. But who are causing this to happen. It is we, not our needs but our mean greed. Our mother earth is still giving us chances and warning us about the fore coming disaster. If we take them seriously then only our civilization will survive on this planet. Else we will have same fate as the dinosorous had.