There was a seminar on Climate Change and Global Warming in the women' college. And most of the speakers lambasted repeatedly the United States of America for all the climate crises which the world is facing today. Thought there is not an iota of doubt in this fact USA is the biggest polluter on the planet today. But the exaggeration by them is simply the by product of the left (mis)rule which have created anti America but they them selves have done nothing less than what the Americans have done. Cos if they were so responsible to the environment then they could not have created a ministry of environment for sleep only purpose. If it were not the hard efforts and iron will of environmentalists under Subhas Dutta. The smoke spewing 2 stokes could still have been there on the roads of Kolkata to pollute. And we have seen that how reluctant the government was in this case. And the most recent one was the exclusion of Environmental Education marks from the class 12th score when going for the admission to any college under University of Calcutta or West Bengal State University. It is not very surprising to see CU to maintain a colonial legacy. But the brand new WBSU is also following the same legacy is quite shocking. Both universities under West Bengal government or under the indirect control of Red brigade shows us how the party position is on the environmental front.
But I was discussing the climate criminals. Unlike India and China which are developing and has the largest chunk of world population more than 17 and 20 % (approx) respectively. USA have developed and has only 4% of world population but use 30% of worlds resources. But no one can protest that. This means that remaining 96% of world population has to survive on 70% of the resources. And this have been proved that the Government of USA which show utter disregard for international community's request to start going green. Bush government didn't gave a damn about all those pleas proving that they are the unofficial rulers of the world. World also proved them wrong cos now American car manufacturers cannot sell USA made car in half the world. This is just one out of many things which have left the so called world leader behind by the world.
Many people say that I hate USA but unlike many political people I don't do what my political affiliations suggests me to do. But I do what is logical and pragmatic. The people around me know that unlike many of my colleagues and opposer I have learnt to make hard choices for doing right rather than doing what is easy. In fact I have said it again that if there is a country on this world which commands my respect other than and after my country it is USA. I feel there journey more or less running parallel to that of ours. A country which just like us made not by a language or a religion or a region. But a very strong idea of giving everyone a happy, equal and free life. Both the country have learnt in difficult times to make hard choices for their country and humanity itself. US is a country where a President chooses to fight people of his own people to give all of his people irrespective of their skin colour same rights. Both American and Indian history is full of such examples where our leaders have chosen to make hard choice but done right for their nation.
Therefore it becomes more than ever necessary for our countries to take the necessary steps to give the coming generation a better tomorrow than we inherited. Rather then just passing the buck from ones table to another. We are not taking of American Warming, nor we are talking of Indian Warming we are dealing here with global warming, world climate change. There are country on this same world with don't even emit a single tonnes of carbon in the atmosphere but they can all wiped off the face of the earth if we fail today. If we fail today to take the hard choices we will fail forever. History has plethoras of evidence which shows when all the humanity works for a common goal irrespective, of there country, religion, race they have achieved things which have changed the course of human history. Today our governments have to the hard decisions and leads us through these difficult times.