Sameer Suri aka Saand and Ali Shah aka Nawab Saab are two film college students. Nawab Saab and Saand both fail to get there graduation certificate. They are told by there Principal to submit a film to get there graduation certificate. They decide to make a film on why not to join Indian Army. They meet a war reporter Akaash. He gives them three last letters of three Indian Army soldiers who have died in 1999 Kargil war. He advises them to deliver them and record the three families’ experiences. Now they begin a journey to deliver the letters to there destinations. The journey changes everything in there life. And they truly become an Indian. The film is really great a very simple story and also the way to tell that. The film unlike other patriotic films, makes you love your country but don’t make you hate some other country. (You now which country everyone makes us hate about). Even it clearly show the kind of difference India and Pakistan has. That is just a line drawn by few horribl...