I don’t know but it seems that India has a long and still lasting tradition of being stabbed by those people whom India helps.
“30th October a day t5hat will live in infamy”. Perhaps this is what FDR would have if he could be our President or perhaps not. Pearl Harbour attack or 9/11 attack on US have happened once in sixty years. But here in India not even six days passes without someone stabbing our nation in its heart, whether they are terrorists, anti-socials or even so-called civilised people. India is been constantly butchered to pieces uncountable.
Perhaps these incident happens so occasionally that our honourable PM and President have to appoint all the Booker Prize winners. (I really meat that, the number is very large now.) From last few months the numbers of bomb blasts are increasing and those bad guys have made whole India what Jammu and Kashmir was few years back.
I think we are behind these blasts and all. Firstly we can’t elect a responsible government to run world’s largest economy. Secondly when we elect them we cross them at all there decisions and like a stubborn child don’t listen to them. Thirdly we divide ourselves on meaningless basis of our colour, creed, and more blah and blahs. Lastly we just go haywire when something wrong happens to our nation. This way we make our nation the weakest in the world, which could have other wise be the strongest one. Alright US are a global superpower. But tell something about a small country like Israel. Which have got population lesser than that of Mumbai. They have lived among the hostile territories then why we can’t. Because they are united but we are divided. We are the biggest back stabbers of this country we do not change ourselves then we will stab this country to death unknowingly but that will surely happen one day or the other. I don’t believe that we are not good. We are the best but we have to prove that to the world in same or perhaps in better way than our ancestors.
Firstly we have to make sure that some able is running our nation. Then we have to believe him/her. We have to always remember “United we stand divided we fall” and we have to stand tall. Then we have got to believe our nation’s potential. It can do it!
“30th October a day t5hat will live in infamy”. Perhaps this is what FDR would have if he could be our President or perhaps not. Pearl Harbour attack or 9/11 attack on US have happened once in sixty years. But here in India not even six days passes without someone stabbing our nation in its heart, whether they are terrorists, anti-socials or even so-called civilised people. India is been constantly butchered to pieces uncountable.
Perhaps these incident happens so occasionally that our honourable PM and President have to appoint all the Booker Prize winners. (I really meat that, the number is very large now.) From last few months the numbers of bomb blasts are increasing and those bad guys have made whole India what Jammu and Kashmir was few years back.
I think we are behind these blasts and all. Firstly we can’t elect a responsible government to run world’s largest economy. Secondly when we elect them we cross them at all there decisions and like a stubborn child don’t listen to them. Thirdly we divide ourselves on meaningless basis of our colour, creed, and more blah and blahs. Lastly we just go haywire when something wrong happens to our nation. This way we make our nation the weakest in the world, which could have other wise be the strongest one. Alright US are a global superpower. But tell something about a small country like Israel. Which have got population lesser than that of Mumbai. They have lived among the hostile territories then why we can’t. Because they are united but we are divided. We are the biggest back stabbers of this country we do not change ourselves then we will stab this country to death unknowingly but that will surely happen one day or the other. I don’t believe that we are not good. We are the best but we have to prove that to the world in same or perhaps in better way than our ancestors.
Firstly we have to make sure that some able is running our nation. Then we have to believe him/her. We have to always remember “United we stand divided we fall” and we have to stand tall. Then we have got to believe our nation’s potential. It can do it!