In the coming months of April and May India will go to world’s largest democratic process for the 15th time. World will again watch us and envy us for we being one of the youngest, most diverse yet surrounded by gloomed neighbours have stood the test of time. Our democracy has been compared to that of Athens. We have always been the beacon of hope and optimism for not only this corner of the world but for whole world. And today we have lost our hope and optimism for just few bunches of people. Who disrespect our constitution. Who disrespect the eternal sprits of our forbearer, who fought and gave there live for betterment of our lives. These people disrespect those who are guarding our border from the highest and coldest of mountains to remotest and hottest of the deserts. These people disrespect those who work hard to make India better. And above all they disrespect the sprit of people.
So now the time have come to show that we are good and we can change our country and make it better in the same way as our ancestors have done for ages. Time has come when we can select the best person to rule our lands. Because I know he is the one who is going to built roads on which I will walk for the first time. He is the one who is going to built school where I will study to be a better citizen of this great country. He is the one who is going to build the offices where I will work for this great nation. He is the one who is going to build the hospital were I will make my last journey peacefully. This is not the words spoken by me and you but by those who have still not born on this great nation. They are asking us to give them a better live than we had.
When our fore fathers fought the war for our independence from the mighty Empire, they didn’t had big tanks, they didn’t had guns or missiles. They only had dreams and hope that even if they may not breath in the free air there children will surely do. They went on to take on bullets and lathis on there fragile bodies but with a stronger mind. They spoke different languages and wore different dresses but there ideals were same. They also stood for what we are standing for today democracy, liberty and peace. Our country woke up when the whole world was sleeping. We were backstabbed by the communist. And we were infiltrated by the capitalists. But still your ancestors choose not to end this journey there. Cos they wanted to give us a better lives. They always knew that the truth will surely prevail. And there fore we have prevailed today. When our country became independent was reduced to ash. But today we are second fastest growing economy in the world. Our forces are bigger enough to take on any one who sees us with a bad a bad eye. Our tricolour was then only on red fort but today it is have travelled to moon too. But still our country has a long journey to undertake. We can’t let this journey stop here.
Today we are on cross roads again. We have our own good on one hand and on the other hand we have our own common good. Choice is totally ours to go and choose a responsible leader for our new India. Or to sit back in houses and complain about all the wrongs in the nation. Next time any incident like 26/11 occurs then you will be the one who is more responsible than the person sitting on the chair. You will at that time have no right to question him. So be a part of this great nation and push that button which can decide the fate of a billion people. And show again to the world that in this corner of the earth changes still happens not by the bullet but by the ballot.
Abhishek Acharyya
So now the time have come to show that we are good and we can change our country and make it better in the same way as our ancestors have done for ages. Time has come when we can select the best person to rule our lands. Because I know he is the one who is going to built roads on which I will walk for the first time. He is the one who is going to built school where I will study to be a better citizen of this great country. He is the one who is going to build the offices where I will work for this great nation. He is the one who is going to build the hospital were I will make my last journey peacefully. This is not the words spoken by me and you but by those who have still not born on this great nation. They are asking us to give them a better live than we had.
When our fore fathers fought the war for our independence from the mighty Empire, they didn’t had big tanks, they didn’t had guns or missiles. They only had dreams and hope that even if they may not breath in the free air there children will surely do. They went on to take on bullets and lathis on there fragile bodies but with a stronger mind. They spoke different languages and wore different dresses but there ideals were same. They also stood for what we are standing for today democracy, liberty and peace. Our country woke up when the whole world was sleeping. We were backstabbed by the communist. And we were infiltrated by the capitalists. But still your ancestors choose not to end this journey there. Cos they wanted to give us a better lives. They always knew that the truth will surely prevail. And there fore we have prevailed today. When our country became independent was reduced to ash. But today we are second fastest growing economy in the world. Our forces are bigger enough to take on any one who sees us with a bad a bad eye. Our tricolour was then only on red fort but today it is have travelled to moon too. But still our country has a long journey to undertake. We can’t let this journey stop here.
Today we are on cross roads again. We have our own good on one hand and on the other hand we have our own common good. Choice is totally ours to go and choose a responsible leader for our new India. Or to sit back in houses and complain about all the wrongs in the nation. Next time any incident like 26/11 occurs then you will be the one who is more responsible than the person sitting on the chair. You will at that time have no right to question him. So be a part of this great nation and push that button which can decide the fate of a billion people. And show again to the world that in this corner of the earth changes still happens not by the bullet but by the ballot.
Abhishek Acharyya