On 26th November 2009 terrorist came from another country. They did not only kill 200 people but they wanted to kill the sprit of the Indian people. They wanted to divide India. But it was the people of India who spoiled all of there plans. People of different castes and religion took protest marches to show them that we are Indian first then we are Hindus, Muslim, Sikh or Christian. Even Muslims all across the country wore black arm bands.
But there are people who can not see the real India and its problems. Our problems are poverty, over population, education, health, environment and security. But nowadays who says that “I will build better roads, schools, hospitals” but they say “I will demolish that mosque and built a temple”. Tell me what a patient will do with a temple? What a student will do at a mosque? I am not one who does not believe in God. I truly believe in God. And I don’t know any religion in this world which divides the heart of individuals. And as much I have known from my religious scriptures and form that of the others. God have never said to kill thousands of his people to save him. This have been done by generations of politicians to get there mean work done.
First in the name of crusades, then by the British and now by Varun Gandhi. But there is some thing which separates the latter one from the first two. That is the power of Democracy. BJP is always bragging that they did the Godra incident and still they were voted to power. What I believe that a group of people can mistakes, a state can make mistake but a country. I believe that a country could never make mistakes. This is my country. This is our country. This does not belong to people from my religion neither to some other religion. This country belongs to all of us. My mother has always taught me love my religion but she has never taught me to hate any other religion if I can not love them. I don’t think any one can give a better example of this Indian secularism than me. I have lived in a place were most of them were Sikh. And I think I have been to Gurudwara more than I have been to Mandir. My uncle used to live in Mallerkotla. Were Hindu, Muslim and Sikh are living together. (I have heard a story that during 1947 riots this town was protected by a man on a white horse. So nothing happened in this town.) Even my uncle’s house lord was a Muslim. They loved us so much because they never cared which religion we belong to. I think this is the real India.
Not what these few politicians believe India to be. Even after 26/11‘s tragedy they could never see the grief of the people. A person from the same party commented that the people who wear good clothes and lipstick can’t be the true voice of the India. May be it can’t be because they are not brought by them to support there party. But in reality India have gone far beyond what they expect India to be. They are still gripped by the medieval believes of India. When Indian tricolour have reached the moon.
For centuries different religion and culture have influenced and same our own culture. For centuries people from different caste and religion have lived side by side. People from different castes have fought for our independence side by side. So that they can live side by side. But that dream was shattered up to some extent. I also want to live in this India which is open to all the people in the world. Not in a Hindu India which can only we my home. But it will wall me with the whole of the world. It is because of this India that today I can break the century old rules of castes and work with a Brahmin and a Muslim in the same way. I urge everyone to vote for India. Because I know as a Hindu Brahmin that Hinduism stands for and by truth and truth is not what BJP is telling us. I hope that Indian will vote for schools and hospitals, and not for temples and mosques. This time Indians have to decide that India does not belong to a particular religion but to all who want freedom and liberty.
But there are people who can not see the real India and its problems. Our problems are poverty, over population, education, health, environment and security. But nowadays who says that “I will build better roads, schools, hospitals” but they say “I will demolish that mosque and built a temple”. Tell me what a patient will do with a temple? What a student will do at a mosque? I am not one who does not believe in God. I truly believe in God. And I don’t know any religion in this world which divides the heart of individuals. And as much I have known from my religious scriptures and form that of the others. God have never said to kill thousands of his people to save him. This have been done by generations of politicians to get there mean work done.
First in the name of crusades, then by the British and now by Varun Gandhi. But there is some thing which separates the latter one from the first two. That is the power of Democracy. BJP is always bragging that they did the Godra incident and still they were voted to power. What I believe that a group of people can mistakes, a state can make mistake but a country. I believe that a country could never make mistakes. This is my country. This is our country. This does not belong to people from my religion neither to some other religion. This country belongs to all of us. My mother has always taught me love my religion but she has never taught me to hate any other religion if I can not love them. I don’t think any one can give a better example of this Indian secularism than me. I have lived in a place were most of them were Sikh. And I think I have been to Gurudwara more than I have been to Mandir. My uncle used to live in Mallerkotla. Were Hindu, Muslim and Sikh are living together. (I have heard a story that during 1947 riots this town was protected by a man on a white horse. So nothing happened in this town.) Even my uncle’s house lord was a Muslim. They loved us so much because they never cared which religion we belong to. I think this is the real India.
Not what these few politicians believe India to be. Even after 26/11‘s tragedy they could never see the grief of the people. A person from the same party commented that the people who wear good clothes and lipstick can’t be the true voice of the India. May be it can’t be because they are not brought by them to support there party. But in reality India have gone far beyond what they expect India to be. They are still gripped by the medieval believes of India. When Indian tricolour have reached the moon.
For centuries different religion and culture have influenced and same our own culture. For centuries people from different caste and religion have lived side by side. People from different castes have fought for our independence side by side. So that they can live side by side. But that dream was shattered up to some extent. I also want to live in this India which is open to all the people in the world. Not in a Hindu India which can only we my home. But it will wall me with the whole of the world. It is because of this India that today I can break the century old rules of castes and work with a Brahmin and a Muslim in the same way. I urge everyone to vote for India. Because I know as a Hindu Brahmin that Hinduism stands for and by truth and truth is not what BJP is telling us. I hope that Indian will vote for schools and hospitals, and not for temples and mosques. This time Indians have to decide that India does not belong to a particular religion but to all who want freedom and liberty.