Can you tell me when you apply for a job in IAS or in Armed forces you are asked to show your police record. And only those with a clean chit get the job. Then why the people leading this good and responsible people will be criminals. From drug mafia to rapist and murderers, everyone seems love this public job. Even in many films we have seen that politicians are mocked when a character says that without a criminal record I could never enter politics. Is this the state of current Indian politics? Who are responsible for this all? We are. Even when we keep a house maid we ask so many questions from her. But when we are electing some one to such an important public office, we are not at all bothered to know who he is. If he speaks well and have got a good amount of muscle power, then we will vote for him. But when some thing goes wrong in the country then we take out candle march through the streets. But if we could have done this thing previously the may be we could have saved a lot of lives and made our country better. But now again the time have come when we can throw those criminals out of that scared institution called Indian Parliament.
Whichever party they belong to, whatever religion they have if they are a criminal then that is the reason enough for their dismissal. You tell me who have got no respect for our Indian constitution how could he or she respect the people to whom it belongs to. How could they respect the founding father of this great nation? They by breaking the rules of our most respected constitution prove that they do not respect any of the above. They are hungry for power. So that they could conduct there crimes by the umbrella of law. They do not want to serve the people they do not want to make this country better. All they want is to siphon off few crores of public money to their Swiss bank account.
Previously our leaders went to jail because they were fighting for our independence from the British ruler. But now this is people’s rule so if they are fighting against our constitution by doing some crime then they are doing crime against the people. So they have no right to be our leader, our representative in world’s largest democratic system.
So please vote for good people who could promise us that 26/11 and 22/6 will not be repeated in their rule. Vote for a better uncorrupted India.
Whichever party they belong to, whatever religion they have if they are a criminal then that is the reason enough for their dismissal. You tell me who have got no respect for our Indian constitution how could he or she respect the people to whom it belongs to. How could they respect the founding father of this great nation? They by breaking the rules of our most respected constitution prove that they do not respect any of the above. They are hungry for power. So that they could conduct there crimes by the umbrella of law. They do not want to serve the people they do not want to make this country better. All they want is to siphon off few crores of public money to their Swiss bank account.
Previously our leaders went to jail because they were fighting for our independence from the British ruler. But now this is people’s rule so if they are fighting against our constitution by doing some crime then they are doing crime against the people. So they have no right to be our leader, our representative in world’s largest democratic system.
So please vote for good people who could promise us that 26/11 and 22/6 will not be repeated in their rule. Vote for a better uncorrupted India.