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Showing posts from August, 2009

Free Open Source Software

Free Open Source Software also known as FOSS unlike Microsoft Windows Platform is totally free. It can be developed by just about anyone. Here you can control our own computer with a long list of customisable features again something not found in Microsoft. Latest Foss OS also known as Linux have busted the previous myth of being very hard to learn. Nowadays the Linux are much much easier to use than Microsoft. The best part of the thing is that you neither have to pay money to buy the software nor have to shell out money for up gradation of your computer. It doesn't eats up your RAM. So it saves a massive amount of your money. Apart from that computer runs much faster than any of its Microsoft counterpart. And for students like us it is nothing less a boon. It not only save your very precious pocket money and runs very fast it also has a host of educational software which can be downloaded for free. And a best part of it is that it doesn't have got any viruses. So you don...

New Breed of Hope

“Long years ago we made tryst with destiny and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge. Not wholly or in full measure but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour when the world sleeps India will awake into life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the sound of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.” These were the words of our beloved Chacha Nehru spoke some 62 years ago. But these words stands as true now as they were when they were spoken. Each year a batch passes out of our college and a new breed of students take there place. Each year we step out from the old year into a new one, with a promise of a better future. Each year we do things for our country good or bad. But whenever our country fails in something we quickly jump to conclusion that some politician must have done something wrong. And sometime even question the power of world's largest democra...

Lets make a change.

“Mother Earth has everything for our needs but nothing for our greed.” Mahatma Gandhi Today our world faces numerous environmental problems created by the greed of the human civilization. But we are the new breed of hope who have to work hard to make this world a better place to live in. Today we hear about global warming, climate change, sea level rise etc. These all are related to each other. Nowadays every activity of man is resulting to a great threat for our evergreen world. All countries are now thinking about the serious problems that have been already created by man and finding solution against those deadly serious problems. It is clear from the problems that the environment will not change until each one of us become sincere about our environment. This does not means sitting idle and only thinking for the environment will do. We have to do some regular, sincere, and necessary jobs to improve the present local & globa...