“Long years ago we made tryst with destiny and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge. Not wholly or in full measure but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour when the world sleeps India will awake into life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the sound of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.”
These were the words of our beloved Chacha Nehru spoke some 62 years ago. But these words stands as true now as they were when they were spoken. Each year a batch passes out of our college and a new breed of students take there place. Each year we step out from the old year into a new one, with a promise of a better future. Each year we do things for our country good or bad. But whenever our country fails in something we quickly jump to conclusion that some politician must have done something wrong. And sometime even question the power of world's largest democracy. But at that same time we must realise that we are the ones who are responsible for all the failures which our country suffers. After the 26/11 we all were cursing the politicians. At that time I remember a very amusing remarks from a college girl who was asked to say something to the politicians. She said that I am a college student so I can bunk few classes but all the MPs cannot miss the Parliament. Why? Because he/she is an politician. Does all the responsibility to make our country better belong only to the politicians? The above girl is not doing her job and so does a MP. What is the difference? Our Government spends a lot of money so that we can study and become a good citizen of this country. So if we bunk any class then we not doing our duty towards our nation. Even in college I have seen that different political student unions have planted their own flags through out the college premises in great numbers. But I was very shocked to see no National Flags or at least a 'flag'. The unions are more concerned about winning the elections not about doing there rightful duty towards there great nation. Our country have achieved great feats not just because of those in high offices but because “We the people” worked for it. And that should be true with this generation of Indians. We must respect the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. Who chose a right path for getting our independence and not the easier path. For those who are guarding the highest of the mountain peaks to the hottest of desert. And for those who are patrolling the great blue sky to deepest of the ocean. So that we might live a better life in our country safely. We have to work hard and harder.
People of this country have always tried to sought solutions to there problems by peaceful means. And again in this election people of this great country have proved that we believe in the ideal envisioned by our ancestors. And we have refused earlier and now once again we have refused to trade our freedom, liberty, and self respect for any other commodity. Our forefathers have fought many wars with world mightiest empires. They fought communism and capitalism and created a whole new world where people could live happily. They have given their lives so that we the new generation of Indians can live a better life. And in this election we have proved that we are with them who respect our freedom. And we have shown those people who think that they can rule our lands by inflicting terror on us, that they are on the wrong side of history. We have proved that as always we our decisions are made by ballot and not by bullet. So when we the new generations of Indians take the helm of affairs into our hand we should not doubt any of the ideals which our ancestors have envisioned for our country. Rather we have to prove to them who doubt the power of democracy that democracy works for each and every people.
Apart from all these challenges which we must fight boldly. We have to also solve all those problems which our parents have created for us. Unlike our parents we must live a life driven by need and not by greed. We may fail many times but still we have to pick ourselves up, for this very nation and this only living planet wants our help. And we have to bridge the gap between us and those whom we long thought to be our enemies, who have the same problems as we do, who bleed in the same way as we do, who cry in the same way as we do, who breathe the same air as we do. We live side by side but still far apart.
We have to work for this great country transcending all castes, creed, class, religion ans sex as one people, one family, one nation. And if still there are people who believe we can't then I will say to them “Yes we can”.
Abhishek Acharyya
BA 1st year HISA
These were the words of our beloved Chacha Nehru spoke some 62 years ago. But these words stands as true now as they were when they were spoken. Each year a batch passes out of our college and a new breed of students take there place. Each year we step out from the old year into a new one, with a promise of a better future. Each year we do things for our country good or bad. But whenever our country fails in something we quickly jump to conclusion that some politician must have done something wrong. And sometime even question the power of world's largest democracy. But at that same time we must realise that we are the ones who are responsible for all the failures which our country suffers. After the 26/11 we all were cursing the politicians. At that time I remember a very amusing remarks from a college girl who was asked to say something to the politicians. She said that I am a college student so I can bunk few classes but all the MPs cannot miss the Parliament. Why? Because he/she is an politician. Does all the responsibility to make our country better belong only to the politicians? The above girl is not doing her job and so does a MP. What is the difference? Our Government spends a lot of money so that we can study and become a good citizen of this country. So if we bunk any class then we not doing our duty towards our nation. Even in college I have seen that different political student unions have planted their own flags through out the college premises in great numbers. But I was very shocked to see no National Flags or at least a 'flag'. The unions are more concerned about winning the elections not about doing there rightful duty towards there great nation. Our country have achieved great feats not just because of those in high offices but because “We the people” worked for it. And that should be true with this generation of Indians. We must respect the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. Who chose a right path for getting our independence and not the easier path. For those who are guarding the highest of the mountain peaks to the hottest of desert. And for those who are patrolling the great blue sky to deepest of the ocean. So that we might live a better life in our country safely. We have to work hard and harder.
People of this country have always tried to sought solutions to there problems by peaceful means. And again in this election people of this great country have proved that we believe in the ideal envisioned by our ancestors. And we have refused earlier and now once again we have refused to trade our freedom, liberty, and self respect for any other commodity. Our forefathers have fought many wars with world mightiest empires. They fought communism and capitalism and created a whole new world where people could live happily. They have given their lives so that we the new generation of Indians can live a better life. And in this election we have proved that we are with them who respect our freedom. And we have shown those people who think that they can rule our lands by inflicting terror on us, that they are on the wrong side of history. We have proved that as always we our decisions are made by ballot and not by bullet. So when we the new generations of Indians take the helm of affairs into our hand we should not doubt any of the ideals which our ancestors have envisioned for our country. Rather we have to prove to them who doubt the power of democracy that democracy works for each and every people.
Apart from all these challenges which we must fight boldly. We have to also solve all those problems which our parents have created for us. Unlike our parents we must live a life driven by need and not by greed. We may fail many times but still we have to pick ourselves up, for this very nation and this only living planet wants our help. And we have to bridge the gap between us and those whom we long thought to be our enemies, who have the same problems as we do, who bleed in the same way as we do, who cry in the same way as we do, who breathe the same air as we do. We live side by side but still far apart.
We have to work for this great country transcending all castes, creed, class, religion ans sex as one people, one family, one nation. And if still there are people who believe we can't then I will say to them “Yes we can”.
Abhishek Acharyya
BA 1st year HISA