“Mother Earth has everything for our needs but nothing for our greed.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Today our world faces numerous environmental problems created by the greed of the human civilization. But we are the new breed of hope who have to work hard to make this world a better place to live in. Today we hear about global warming, climate change, sea level rise etc. These all are related to each other. Nowadays every activity of man is resulting to a great threat for our evergreen world. All countries are now thinking about the serious problems that have been already created by man and finding solution against those deadly serious problems. It is clear from the problems that the environment will not change until each one of us become sincere about our environment. This does not means sitting idle and only thinking for the environment will do. We have to do some regular, sincere, and necessary jobs to improve the present local & global condition.
According to UNO, India and mostly the cities of Kolkata and Mumbai are at a great danger from Climate Change and Sea level Rise. According to UN scientists after 10 years most of worlds costal towns may be under sea including these two cites too. So we have got very less time to do a massive task. If we want to save human civilization from disaster we have to stand up and save our mother earth that have given birth to us. Therefore, we have to start working from now to save our earth forgetting all the individual comforts.
We have got very less time to change ourselves and save our dear planet. So we have to start working from now to save our earth. Try to forget about your individual comforts. Very minor change in us could save human civilization and the world. The work of ours will not only help us but also future generations. Think it may be because of us that coming generations could see this beautiful world as we have seen. Think about your younger sister, brother or cousin who still have much more to see in this beautiful world.
Don't you have to do a lot of things just switching off an unused electrical appliances, or close an used tap. Instead of using motorbikes and cars use public transport or bicycles. Just these kinds of small activities can save our mother earth. Yes we can save our and we have to.
Abhishek Acharyya
BA 1st year HISA
Mahatma Gandhi
Today our world faces numerous environmental problems created by the greed of the human civilization. But we are the new breed of hope who have to work hard to make this world a better place to live in. Today we hear about global warming, climate change, sea level rise etc. These all are related to each other. Nowadays every activity of man is resulting to a great threat for our evergreen world. All countries are now thinking about the serious problems that have been already created by man and finding solution against those deadly serious problems. It is clear from the problems that the environment will not change until each one of us become sincere about our environment. This does not means sitting idle and only thinking for the environment will do. We have to do some regular, sincere, and necessary jobs to improve the present local & global condition.
According to UNO, India and mostly the cities of Kolkata and Mumbai are at a great danger from Climate Change and Sea level Rise. According to UN scientists after 10 years most of worlds costal towns may be under sea including these two cites too. So we have got very less time to do a massive task. If we want to save human civilization from disaster we have to stand up and save our mother earth that have given birth to us. Therefore, we have to start working from now to save our earth forgetting all the individual comforts.
We have got very less time to change ourselves and save our dear planet. So we have to start working from now to save our earth. Try to forget about your individual comforts. Very minor change in us could save human civilization and the world. The work of ours will not only help us but also future generations. Think it may be because of us that coming generations could see this beautiful world as we have seen. Think about your younger sister, brother or cousin who still have much more to see in this beautiful world.
Don't you have to do a lot of things just switching off an unused electrical appliances, or close an used tap. Instead of using motorbikes and cars use public transport or bicycles. Just these kinds of small activities can save our mother earth. Yes we can save our and we have to.
Abhishek Acharyya
BA 1st year HISA